Winner - Josh Fox

“Josh Fox for organising Games on the Hour at Dragonmeet.

Dragonmeet is London’s biggest roleplaying event and Games on the Hour is the most approachable, accessible roleplaying there. Dozens, if not hundreds, of con-goers over the years have walked-up, sat-down and been introduced to a whole new gaming experience.”

From the Winners
“Thank you very much for this award. Really it is shared with all the hard-working GMs and hosts who helped make the event happen.

It has been wonderful to see Indie Games on the Hour going from strength to strength, and I hope we'll see ever more indie games being played at UK cons in future!
- Josh”

The Playmaker Awards zine kickstarter will run through February 2019 and will be a unique look at the creation of public play in the world of tabletop roleplaying today.

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