Winners - Graham Spearing, Dom Mooney, Elaine McCourt
“Graham, Dom and Elaine and everyone else who makes the Garrison cons happen! They manage to both create and maintain a close-knit group of gaming friends, while also being friendly and welcoming to newcomers. And they have kept on creating space for new gamers to join in at the the unique (but restricted) Garrison venue by simple dint of running more cons there!”
From the Winners
“We create spaces where people can come together, play and share our love of tabletop roleplaying games. Our mini conventions are communities of fun, welcoming to all, islands where we can enjoy time to express ourselves through play, make new friends, create, invent, laugh, relax and absorb in new stories. Good times.
- Graham, Dom & Elaine”
The Playmaker Awards zine kickstarter will run through February 2019 and will be a unique look at the creation of public play in the world of tabletop roleplaying today.