Winner - Réka Korcsmáros
“Réka Korcsmáros organizes not just a big online RPG community (Árnyékszféra ~Sphere of Shadows) but also two monthly meetups in my country. At the first one (Szférák vándorai ~Wanderers of the Spheres) you can participate in around 5-10 tables of different one-shot RPGs (a few story games too) and the second is basically a Vampire RPG club (all editions)..
With these I'm pretty sure that she is one of the greatest Playmakers in my country and definitely the greatest in the younger (18-30) age group.”
From the Winner
“We always try to improve and we hope our community will become better and better. We love those amazing people we had the chance to get know. we are very grateful to have this experience and grateful to be part of this amazing community.
We are very happy that there are lots of people who think the similar way. This is a beautiful era to our hobby, and we should use this. We have to show this amazing hobby to others. And… Let’s play!
‘To infinity and beyond’
- Réka”