Playmaker Awards announced

As November is a month of giving thanks in various different ways, I'm delighted to announce a new award. This award is not for amazing designers, GMs or even players, but for those who have worked hard during the year to make the space in which we play. They are the Playmakers.

They might organise a convention, a gaming meetup, an online space or do any other of the admin or scutwork that enables others to play.

This is not a traditional award with a single or small group of winners. I want it to be a thank you to everyone making play possible. I'll be contacting each nominee for their permission to include them and then publish their names and nominations together. I am also hoping to gather a pool of funds together to split as drivethru vouchers between the nominees to help them buy something for their own gaming during the holidays.

My thanks to OneBookShelf for additional financial support and the Story Games admin for endorsing this award.